TSU Help Bot

What Is It?

One of my department’s most successful initiatives was the creation of Talespin University (or TSU). TSU was designed to help creators jump-start their usage of Talespin’s custom authoring tool, CoPilot Designer. We created different lessons, resources, and videos to help users understand everything from how to write effective dialog to how to deploy their finished projects. This initiative was a major success in supporting new creator onboarding.

The help bot was an essential part of TSU. While TSU was designed to provide a structured learning course with specific tracks creators could work through, we wanted an interactive quick reference guide to help creators when they had a one-off question and didn’t want to dig through our documentation to find the answer. Enter TSU Help Bot!

How Did You Build It?

I co-created the help bot with my colleagues Kellie Lund and Kristin Torrence. We each brought unique strengths to the table- Kellie was the source of all knowledge about TSU and contributed to the design, I provided Voiceflow design work and technical guidance, and Kristin handled communicating with stakeholders, testing, and project management. We knew when we started that the bot would likely be used by customers who were frustrated or confused, so we opted to re-use the Jet persona from the Design Document Creator (more on that persona here).

We knew users would likely be using the bot more than once, so for all structured responses, we built in multiple variants to avoid making the bot feel dull or repetitive.

We used Voiceflow for the bot creation, and heavily relied on the knowledge base to import the TSU site map and many of our reference materials.

What Makes this Project Unique?

This project was unique because TSU was a relatively new venture at the time and we wanted to ensure all of our answers from the chatbot were accurate, even though we were using a blended approach of structured responses and generative AI. We also wanted to integrate some visual elements, along with the text, to make the experience more engaging and helpful.

Here’s a detailed view of a question that triggers a text response, multiple images, and links to our reference guide.

What Was the Impact of this Project?

This chatbot was integrated into Talespin University and was used to answer initial troubleshooting questions, saving a lot of time and resources for Kellie and our Customer Success team. With fewer minor troubleshooting questions to answer, the TSU and Customer Success teams were able to devote more time and resources to more complex issues and find faster resolutions as a result.

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You can try out chatting with our Help Bot by clicking to the right or clicking this link. Please be aware that if the bot offers any links, they may not work unless you have a TSU login. Sorry about that!